Audiobook of the Year 2019 is the 3rd audiobook special of No Such Thing As A Fish, and the 52nd and final episode of 2019. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at 2020 Audio in Kings Cross, London.
A clip from the audiobook version of the latest Book Of The Year installment - buy it now from!
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- Å: two tourists planning to visit the Norwegian village of Å ended up 1,310 km away in Aa. (Ptaszynski)
- Adventuring: a 71-year-old Frenchman crossed the Atlantic in a barrel without a paddle, an engine, or any sails. (Murray)
- Amazon vs Amazon: Amazon bribed the Amazon with $5 million worth of Kindles. (Harkin)
- Apollo 12: on July 20th the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, which landed the first people on the moon, but few remembered the Apollo 12 mission which landed four months later. (Schreiber)
- Apoppylypse: the population of Lake Elsinore tripled thanks to the popularity of its poppies. (Murray)
- Apposite: a shark which had just eaten a shark was caught by a man called "the shark". (Schreiber)
- Arks: the owners of the world's largest replica of Noah's Ark sued for rain damage. (Harkin)
- Armageddon: if Bruce Willis managed to blow up an Earth-threatening asteroid, it would simply reform and hit the planet anyway. (Ptaszynski)
- Aussie Election: a pre-election poll revealed that Australia's most trusted politician is the Prime Minister of New Zealand. (Harkin)
- Avengers: The Avengers assembled against their biggest enemy... spoilers! (Schreiber)
- This is the third audiobook special - a chapter of a NSTAAF audiobook released as a podcast. It consists of the first chapter of The Audiobook of the Year 2019. The two previous audiobook specials were Merry Fishmas! and Merry Christmas from Dan, James, Anna and Andy.
- This is the first Audiobook not to feature Jane Hill.
- Although the bulk of the audiobook was recorded at 2020 Audio, many segments were recorded at live shows during 2019.
- Schreiber's headline fact in Episode 299: No Such Thing As A Conscientious Brunette was about Apollo 12.
- The fact about "The Shark" is mentioned again in Episode 323: No Such Thing As Floating Vaseline, as part of a headline fact about owls eating other owls.
- Computer simulations of world-ending asteroid impacts were a headline fact in Episode 284: No Such Thing As Salty Yeti Bones.