No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As A Tantrump is the 114th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 10th episode of the third year, and the 21st episode of 2016. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the Up The Creek Comedy Club in Greenwich, London.


Live from Up The Creek in Greenwich, and filmed as a pilot episode for QI's new BBC TV series No Such Thing As The News, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss elephant polo, robots replacing Royals, and everything that hasn't been discovered yet.



  • This episode was recorded as a pilot/test run for No Such Thing As The News.
  • At the end of the podcast, as in episodes of No Such Thing As The News, James, Anna and Andy give three facts that they did not have time to discuss:
    • New research reveals that 20% of Americans are put off by the word 'moist'. (Harkin)
    • After a man in Croyden lost a bet with a friend, the frozen food company Iceland has warned shoppers not to lie down in their freezers to cool off. (Ptaszynski)
    • In China, under new guidelines from the Ministry of Culture, live-streaming services have banned the eating of bananas in an erotic manner. An unnamed Chinese person has said that they will eat yams instead. (Murray)