No Such Thing As A Sticky Shell Spoon is the 122nd episode ofNo Such Thing As A Fish, the 18th episode of the third year, and the 29th episode of 2016. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the QI Offices in Covent Garden, London.
Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss holey spoons, the speed of snow and how to get more milk from a cow.
- Farmers in Botswana have started painting eyes on their cows' bottoms to stop lions from attacking them. (Murray)
- James Harkin's stop speed running in armour is the same as the top speed of a snowflake falling to Earth. (Harkin)
- Archaeologists have started throwing finds into skips because there is now too much history for them to store. (Schreiber)
- Restaurants in 1950s Vietnam used to put holes in their soup spoons to stop people stealing them. (Ptaszynski)
- Murray's 2016 show at the Edinburgh Fringe, Andrew Hunter Murray: Round One, is first plugged here.