No Such Thing As A Limited Edition is the 156th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 52nd and final episode of the third year, and the 11th episode of 2017. It features regular presenters Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and guest presenter Erica McAlister. It was recorded at the QI Offices in Covent Garden, London.
Dan, Anna, Andy and special guest Dr Erica McAlister discuss sperm whale-sized sperm, real-life Home Alone security measures, and why you've never really heard Churchill's famous speeches.
- The Vinegar fly's sperm is so long that, if humans had the same sperm-to-body ratio, Dan Schreiber's sperm would be the length of a Sperm whale. (McAlister)
- Whenever he got really angry, Winston Churchill would throw his teeth across the room. (Schreiber)
- Art galleries hide marbles between paintings and the wall so that, if anyone tries to steal the painting, the marbles fall on the floor and make a loud noise. (Ptaszynski)
- Prisoners in Siberia used to eat prehistoric animals they found frozen in the ice. (Murray)
- This is the last episode of Year Three.
- Regular presenter James Harkin is absent.
- Dr Erica McAlister guests, making her first and only appearance.
- McAlister is promoting her book The Secret Life of Flies.