No Such Thing As A Barking Spy is the 177th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 21st episode of the fourth year, and the 32nd episode of 2017. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire.
Live from the Wilderness Festival, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the invention of crowd barriers, bombs that lecture their victims, and Volkswagen's biggest product [hint: it's not cars].
- In 1957 America developed a "shouting bomb" that would lecture the enemy for three minutes as it dropped from the sky. (Schreiber)
- In 2017 a book called Forty Minutes Late was returned to a library in San Francisco 100 years late. (Harkin)
- The person who invented crowd control barriers did so because so many people were flocking to see his giant balloon. (Ptaszynski)
- Volkswagen sells more sausages than cars. (Murray)
- The shouting bomb was developed by DARPA, who were also discussed in Episode 163: No Such Thing As Too Fast For A Fish.
- Ptaszynski mentions the Paris catacombs, which were part of a headline fact in Episode 172: No Such Thing As A Cat-a-Cops Cartoon.
- Andy gives his Twitter Name as @SausageJesus