No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As Cleopatra Movie Trivia is the 198th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 42nd episode of the fourth year, and the 1st episode of 2018. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at Up The Creek in Greenwich, London.


Live from Up The Creek In Greenwich, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss the dead author under the bed, the first ever sports bra, and Poopy the Ambassador.


  • Archaeologists have just dug up in the middle of the desert an enormous sphinx statue. It is believed to be anywhere up to 95 years old.[1] (Murray)
  • When British author William Hazlitt died, his landlady was so keen to re-let his room that she hid his body under the bed while she showed new tenants around.[2] (Schreiber)
  • UNICEF has a nutrition ambassador called Poopy. (Harkin)
  • The first ever sports bra was two jockstraps.[3][4] (Ptaszynski)


  • This is the eighth stop on the 2017 Tour.
  • A movie set being buried in the desert would later be discussed in Episode 324.
  • William Hazlitt is first mentioned in this episode, later reappearing in Episodes 318 and 353 as one of the show's favourite "friends of the podcast".
  • Andy's fact about Percy Shelley's "heart" was previously discussed in Episode 128.
  • Andy mentions that the audience fact from Episode 191 was also about Caresse Crosby.
  • Dan gives his Twitter name as @CleopatraMovieTrivia.

