No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As A Photograph Of A River is the 211th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 3rd episode of the fifth year, and the 14th episode of 2018. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the Queen's Hall, Edinburgh.


Live from Edinburgh, Dan, James Anna and Andy discuss dinner party etiquette for 5-year-olds, ugly American shoes and divorcées falling down the stairs.


  • Unmarried people are more likely to fall down stairs than married people, and previously married people fall down more than both of them.[1][2] (Schreiber)
  • There's a tanning salon in St Andrews called "Sun-Tan-Drews".[3][4] (Harkin)
  • During the Second World War, the US government considered making all American shoes deliberately ugly.[5] (Murray)
  • The etiquette experts Debrett's run classes that teach 5-year-olds to have strong handshakes and navigate dinner parties.[6] (Ptaszynski)

 Audience Fact[]

Throughout this tour, the Elves gave away a copy of The Complete Second Year Cassette to the best audience-submitted fact.

At the First Robot Olympics held in 1990 in Glasgow, the English competitor was disqualified from the climbing event because of "inappropriate behaviour in front of children" after it tried to mount the Russian robot. (Douglas Wood)



  1. Dan got his fact from the book At Home: A Short History of Private Life by Bill Bryson. (Amazon)
  2. Bryson, in turn, got his fact from the book The Staircase: Studies of Hazards, Falls, and Safer Design by John Templer. (Amazon)
  3. James' fact was told to him by fellow QI Elf Anne Miller, who used to live in St Andrews.
  4. Sun-Tan-Drews on
  5. Smithsonian Magazine: These Photos Captured What Happened When the United States Started to Ration Shoes During WWII
  6. Independent School Parent: Mind your manners: etiquette classes for kids