No Such Thing As A Ninja With A Cat is the 276th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 16th episode of the sixth year, and the 27th episode of 2019. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at Lorensbergsteatern in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Live from Gothenburg, Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss ninja snorkelling, Spiderman's fall from a traffic light, and waiting at a train station for 120 years.
- Sweden's public art body has just commissioned an artwork which will hire someone to do nothing at Gothenburg's Korsvägen train station for the next 120 years. (Murray)
- Ninjas' sword sheaths had removable tips so that if they ever had to hide under the water, they could use them like a snorkel to breathe. (Ptaszynski)
- One month before the French Spider-Man successfully climbed the second-tallest building in the world, he was hospitalised after falling from a 7-foot-tall traffic light. (Schreiber)
- In the early Eurovision song contests, songs could not be performed in public before the event. One Danish song was banned when the composer whistled it in a TV broadcaster's canteen. (Harkin)
- This is the eighteenth stop on the In No Particular Order tour, the first one in mainland Europe, and the first in Sweden.
- This is the first live show in mainland Europe since Episode 38: No Such Thing As A Super Mario Love Hotel.
- This is the first live show outside the UK since Episode 268, in the Ireland, and the first outside the British Isles since Episode 227, which was partially recorded in New Zealand.
- Dan produces a dubious fact about ninjas using cats' eyes to tell the time of day.
- He also repeats his "fact" about Yetis putting their feet on backwards from Episode 145: No Such Thing As E.T. Part Three.
- Voting in the Intervision Song Contest was previously mentioned in TBA.