No Such Thing As A Sexy Ceiling Fan is the 293rd episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 33rd episode of the sixth year, and the 44th episode of 2019. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the QI Offices in Covent Garden, London.
Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss prehistoric sippy-cups, Rasputin's litigious assassins, and the coolest ever publicity stunt.
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- The Moulin Rouge had a can-can dancer who would distract patrons by kicking off their hats, before promptly downing their drinks. (Harkin)
- In 1959 as a publicity stunt a 3-ton block of ice was driven from the Arctic Circle to the equator. (Murray)
- Prehistoric babies drank from animal-shaped sippy cups. (Ptaszynski)
- The reason movies include an "all persons ficticious" disclaimer is because one of Rasputin's assassins successfully sued MGM for not accurately depicting the events of Rasputin's murder. (Schreiber)
- Harkin's fact was submitted by an audience member during the In No Particular Order tour (Sarah Fung).
- Murray mentions a performer who can squeeze through a tennis racket, who was mentioned in TBA.
- Schreiber mentions Le Pétomane, the flatulist discussed in TBA.
- Harkin has not seen the film Moulin Rouge!.
- Ptaszynski jokes about how novels were seen as immoral, which was discussed in TBA.
- Harkin mentions Justus von Liebig whose factory in Fray Bentos was mentioned in Uruguay v Costa Rica.
- Schreiber calls back to a fact from Episode 155: No Such Thing As Hurricane Schmurricane about Lyndon B. Johnson frequently getting his penis out.