No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As A Song In The Sound Of Music is the 30th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 30th episode of the first year, and the 45th episode of 2014. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the Aces And Eights Saloon Bar, Tufnell Park, London.


In their first ever live podcast recording, Dan (@schreiberland), James (@eggshaped), Andy (@andrewhunterm) and Anna (#getannaontwitter) discuss cow-based computer code, who won the Bone Wars and how northern accents beat the Nazis.


  • The first BBC radio presenter with a northern accent, Wilfred Pickles, was given the job to make it more difficult for the Nazis to impersonate news readers. (Harkin)
  • In China, if you want to empty a building of people, or indeed if you want to end anything, play the song "Going Home" by Kenny G. (Schreiber)
  • The two leading paleontologists of the 19th century, Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh, used to destroy their fossil sites after excavating them so that their rival couldn't find anything. (Ptaszynski)
  • In the Fula language, a computer crash is known as a "hookii", which means "a cow falling over but not dying". (Murray)

