No Such Thing As A Michelangel-ogram is the 311th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 51st episode of the sixth year, and the 10th episode of 2020. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the QI Offices in Covent Garden, London.
Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss a bank that was too warm, a bottle that was too full, and a nose that was just right.
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- When the world's largest bottle of wine sprung a leak this year, the owner called the local fire department, who stopped the spillage with sandbags. (Harkin)
- When Michelangelo sculpted David, the town mayor told him that the nose was too big, so Michelangelo picked up some dust, climbed to the top of the statue, sprinkled the dust down, and claimed that he had fixed it. (Ptaszynski)
- A plane was once built which had nine wings. (Murray)
- This year a sperm bank lost a court case to a man named Dick Weiner. (Schreiber)
- This episode is the fifth anniversary of the podcast beginning.
- The illegality of selling wine by the bottle in the middle ages was discussed in TBA.
- Kenelm Digby is discussed, having previously been mentioned in Episode 256. He was the son of Everard Digby, who was originally mentioned in TBA.
- Harkin mentions Ptaszynski's fact about travelling salesmen from the previous episode.
- Lazzaro Spallanzani's experiments are mentioned, a similar experiment having been discussed in Episode 25 and again in Episode 41.