No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As A Sneaky Badger Swapsie is the 359th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 47th episode of the seventh year, and the 6th episode of 2021. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded from home due to COVID-19.


Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss badgers, bombers, bees and books ...of the audio variety

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  • Badgers change their bedding more often than I do. (Ptaszynski)
  • The chief designer of America's first stealth bomber also helped to design the Dumbo ride at Disneyland. (Murray)
  • Whenever Stephen King couldn't find the audiobook of something he wanted to read, he would put one of his three children into a room with a tape recorder and would get them to read out the whole thing for him. (Schreiber)
  • In the 14th century, a weapon was invented that was essentially a windmill which flung out beehives from each of its arms. (Harkin)

