No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As A Horse Drawn Segway is the 367th episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 4th episode of the eighth year, and the 15th episode of 2021. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded from home due to COVID-19.


Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss drugs with colourful names, a prince with a colourful grotto, and a country without colour TV.

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  • The world's first electricity power station was built to power an artificial rainbow. (Ptaszynski)
  • Some dinner knives in the 16th century had sheet music etched onto the blade so that guests could sing a blessing together before and after the meal. (Schreiber)
  • Almost all drug names in America have been approved by just 2 women in Chicago. (Murray)
  • Israel manually removed all color from foreign TV broadcasts until 1981, as they were worried that if they broadcast color TV, everyone would rush out and buy new sets, which would crash the economy. (Harkin)

