No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As The Handshake Police is the 373rd episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 10th episode of the eighth year, and the 21st episode of 2021. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and special guest Ella Al-Shamahi. It was recorded from home due to COVID-19.


Anna, James, Dan and special guest Ella Al-Shamahi discuss unhealthy handshakes, pioneering pilots and Seattle's favourite shrink.

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  • An anti-handshake society was formed in Baku, Azerbaijan in 1894 because of a cholera outbreak. You paid 6 rubles as membership, you wore a pin to identify yourself, and just in case you did slip up and shake hands, you had to pay 3 rubles as a fine. (Al-Shamahi)
  • The 2013 recipient of the Amelia Earhart Pioneering Achievement Award, who later successfully completed Amelia Earhart's fatal circumnavigation of the world, is called Amelia Earhart. (Schreiber)
  • Scientists have started putting fossilised poos in particle accelerators. (Ptaszynski)
  • Frasier Crane was an early investor in Microsoft. (Harkin)

