No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing as a Sausage Swingboat is the 391st episode of No Such Thing As A Fish, the 28th episode of the eighth year, and the 39th episode of 2021. It consists of clips removed from previous episodes of the podcast.


Anna gets exasperated about Tin Tin, Dan is vindicated in a fact about camels, Andy tells the best joke you'll ever hear about the Umayyad conquest of Hispania, and James finally learns what a giraffe looks like.

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  • Ashrita Furman is mentioned as a "friend of the show", having previously been discussed in Episode 16, Episode 174, and Episode 188.
  • James asks the other three whether they have heard of Soulja Boy, to which they all respond no. This is despite the fact that Andy himself has previously mentioned Soulja Boy in Episode 196, telling the exact same fact that James shares in this episode.
  • James mentions people killing antelopes and drinking water from their insides, vindicating Dan after he originally brought it up in TBA.
  • Anna tells a fact about star-nosed moles, which the other hosts point out was already mentioned in Episode 377 which didn't feature her.