No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As Diarrhea Drive is the 76th episode ofNo Such Thing As A Fish, the 24th episode of the second year, and the 35th episode of 2015. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.


Live from The Edinburgh Festival, Dan, James, Andy and Anna discuss the first ever eBay auction, poo-flavoured ice cream, and the what happened to Fleming's mould.


  • The first man to swim the English Channel, Matthew Webb, later had a show where he floated in a tank for two hours. (Murray)
  • The first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer. It was bought by a man who collects broken laser pointers. (Schreiber)
  • When Alexander Fleming's neighbours foiled a burglary at his house, as a thank-you gift he gave them some mould from the first penicillin. (Ptaszynski)
  • The earliest-known ice cream recipes suggest flavouring with ambergris, which is produced by the digestive systems of whales. (Harkin)


  • This is the first of five live episodes recorded at the 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
  • Murray makes reference to the performance artist Abraham Poincheval, who sealed himself inside a 12-tonne limestone boulder. Poincheval was later discussed in Merry Fishmas!
  • Harkin says that ambergris is "whale poo", and the Wikipedia page for NSTAAF said that it is "whale vomit", but in reality it is neither, as it is indigestible material, coated in a vomit-like layer, but usually expelled through the anus.