No Such Thing As A Mousetrap-Remote-Control is the 80th episode ofNo Such Thing As A Fish, the 28th episode of the second year, and the 39th episode of 2015. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Live from The Edinburgh Festival, Dan, James, Andy and Anna discuss magnetic ham sandwiches, the original use for bubblewrap, and the world’s first vending machine.
- The first ever pencils were used to draw on sheep. (Murray)
- Drinking alcohol makes you more attractive. (Schreiber)
- The National Giant Vegetable Championships had to move venues in the mid-1980s as the pumpkins started to get too big to fit through the doors. (Harkin)
- The Beaded Lacewing insect incapacitates its prey by farting on it. (Ptaszynski)
- This is the fifth and final live episode recorded at the 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
- Levitating a frog using an electromagnet is discussed - this won an Ig Nobel Prize for Physics in 2000.
- Andre Geim is the only person to win both a Nobel Prize (for discovering graphene) and an Ig Nobel Prize (for the frog levitation).