No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

No Such Thing As Sexy Mucus Pajamas is the 94th episode ofNo Such Thing As A Fish, the 42nd episode of the second year, and the 1st episode of 2016. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and was recorded at the Up The Creek Comedy Club in Greenwich, London.


Live from the Up The Creek Comedy Club in Greenwich, Dan, James, Anna and Andy discuss aircraft-building ferrets, yeti custody battles and presidential colonoscopies.


  • There is a chemical called arsole. Nobody knows what it smells like. (Twitter)
  • In the late '50s and '60s, comics with gorilla on the front would sell more than comics without, so DC Comics put gorillas on the front even if there were no gorillas inside. (Audience member)
  • The 25th amendment allows Vice Presidents to take over when the President is incapacitated. It's happened 3 times, all of which were when the President was having a colonoscopy. (Twitter)
  • During the filming of the movie Leon, a man who had robbed a shop turned himself in to the actors playing policemen. (Audience member)
  • Gary Numan is three weeks older than Gary Oldman. (Twitter)
  • The new organist at Leeds Cathedral is called David Pipe. (Twitter)
  • There was a "ghost army" during WWII.
  • Parrotfish wear protective pajamas at night, then eat them in the morning. (Audience member)
  • Fringe-limbed tree frog parents grow extra layers of skin to feed their tadpoles. (Twitter)
  • The new tallest building in London is going to be called Undershaft. (Audience member)
  • In 1774, one newspaper estimated that out of the 872,564 married couples in England, only 9 were entirely happy. (twitter)
  • Nelson had a small mahogany box that he would stand on when he gave reports to the Admiralty. (Audience member)
  • When Prince Charles married Lady Diana, the TV cables were put in place by ferrets. (Twitter)
  • When the new headquarters of the London Underground opened in 1929, the statue outside of a nude boy was so controversial that the sculptor had to reduce the size of his penis by 1.5". (Audience member)
  • The Korean term for grinding in a club is "boobi boobi". (Twitter)
  • Ottoman Emperor Abdul Hamid II made it illegal to use the words "sibling", "star", "bedbug", and "nose". (Twitter)
  • In the past, to send paper money through the post people would tear it in half and post the two halves seperately. (Twitter)

