Get Anna On Twitter, frequently used in the form of the hashtag #GetAnnaOnTwitter, is a running joke on the QI podcast No Such Thing As A Fish. The joke revolves around presenter Anna Ptaszynski not being on any forms of social media, including Twitter and Facebook. As such, when the other presenters give their Twitter handles at the end of the episode, Ptaszynski always says some variation on.
"You can email"
- In Episode 4: No Such Thing As The Mountains of Kong Ptaszynski is discussed as "not being on twitter, but buckling quickly".
- In Episode 12: No Such Thing As A 164-Foot-Tall Gorilla-Whale the hashtag "#GetAnnaOnTwitter" is first used.
- In Episode 90: No Such Thing As The Brilliant Billion when Andy jokes that he is still using MySpace, James suggests the hashtag "#GetAndyOffMySpace", a reference to #GetAnnaOnTwitter.
- In Episode 111: No Such Thing As Snappedy Chat it is mentioned that the Queen has twitter, whereas Ptaszynski still does not.
- In Episode 217: No Such Thing As A Trapezium-Shaped Hankie Ptaszynski mentions she is not on Facebook either.
- In Episode 221: No Such Thing As A Fully Carpeted Country guest Alan Davies reveals he is not on twitter, to which Schreiber responds "that's usually Ptaszynski's role".
- In Episode 269: No Such Thing As Singing The Sport Ptaszynski compares singing the news to social media, but then points out that since she is not on social media, it may not be an accurate comparison.
- In Episode 271: No Such Thing As A Safe Robot Schreiber points out that Ptaszynski will not know the distracted boyfriend meme, since she is not on social media.
- In Episode 322: No Such Thing As A Crown Of Willie Thornes, given that the winner of Time Person of the Year in 2006 was everyone who was contributing content to the internet, Schreiber argues that Ptaszynski is the only member of the Fish team who doesn't get to share that accolade, asking "Had you even HEARD of the internet in 2006?"
- In Episode 341: No Such Thing As A May-I Sandwich, after guest Rhys Darby is asked for his twitter name and replies "Please don't contact me - it gives me anxiety", Ptaszynski complains that she wishes she'd thought of that excuse 5 years ago.
- In Episode 342: No Such Thing As A Presidential Fight Club Ptaszynski mentions the twitter account @nosuchseagull. Schreiber's biggest takeaway from this point is that Ptaszynski is on twitter (although she still does not have her own account, she occasionally uses the QI account).