Merry Christmas from Dan, James, Anna and Andy is the 2nd audiobook special of No Such Thing As A Fish, and the 53rd episode of 2018. It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber, and narrator Jane Hill. It was recorded at 2020 Audio in Kings Cross, London.
Merry Christmas! Here's a bonus extract from the The Audiobook of The Year 2018, available to download. Visit for more.
- AA: American Airlines banned passengers from travelling with emotional support insects. (Harkin)
- Advertising: Roger Federer lost the rights to his own initials. (Ptaszynski)
- Advice: The Government advised people being deported to Jamaica to put on a Jamaican accent. (Murray)
- Alexa: Alexa got in trouble for laughing at her owners. (Ptaszynski)
- All-You-Can-Eat: An All-you-can-eat restaurant had to shut because customers ate all they could. (Schreiber)
- Animal Races: A snail racing competition was postponed because the snails were too sluggish. (Harkin)
- Antarctic: Every minute the Antarctic loses enough ice to keep the UK in slushies for an entire year. (Harkin)
- Arctic: China called itself a near-Arctic state, despite the fact that its nearest border ends 1,000 miles south of the Arctic. (Murray)
- Apps: Scientists at the University of Chicago have developed a prototype app to tell stoners whether or not they are high. (Schreiber)
- Ardern, Jacinda: New Zealand's Prime Minister gave birth to a Prime Miniature. (Schreiber)
- Armenia: Armenians had a snowball fight in temperatures of 25°C. (Harkin)
- Armies: American soldiers gave away the location of secret military bases by going jogging. (Murray)
- Art: In Hong Kong, cleaners accidentally threw away a piece of art because it looked like rubbish. (Schreiber)
- Artificial Intelligence: Scientists exposed their AI machine to an online forum, and it became a psychopath. (Harkin)
- Asteroids: Scientists concluded that birds escaped death by asteroid thanks to their inability to fly. (Ptaszynski)
- Astronauts: NASA sent a man with a fear of heights to the International Space Station. (Schreiber)
- Attorneys: Numerous lawyers refused to represent the US President for fear he'd damage their reputation. (Ptaszynski)
- Auctions: Russell Crowe held an auction called "The Art of Divorce" on his wedding anniversary. (Schreiber)
- This is the second audiobook special - a chapter of a NSTAAF audiobook released as a podcast. It consists of the first chapter of The Audiobook of the Year 2018.
- Jane Hill provides narration for the audiobook, having previously narrated The Audiobook of the Year, and appearing in No Such Thing As The News.
- Harkin mentions that there was no Aardvark news "this year" - referring to how The Audiobook of the Year began with a section on Aardvarks, whereas this one began with AA.
- Murray counters Ptaszynski's suggestion that New Zealand "doesn't exist" by pointing out that they had been there in May as part of The Australasia Tour for episodes 226 and 227.
- Harkin mentions nominative determinism, which was previously mentioned in Episode 94: No Such Thing As Sexy Mucus Pajamas.
- Harkin mentions AIs being given the Rorschach test again in Episode 250: No Such Thing As The Mysterious Chamber.
- Schreiber mentions Astro Hawaii, a band made up of astronauts and cosmonauts, similar to his fact about Max Q in Episode 243: No Such Thing As Jean-Paul Sartre's Crabs.