No Such Thing As The iSausage is the 7th non-numbered special of No Such Thing As A Fish and the 5th compilation episode. It is the 26th episode of 2020. It consists of clips removed from previous episodes of the podcast. Much of it was recorded from home due to COVID-19.
It features regular presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski, and Dan Schreiber. Clips of QI Elf Anne Miller can also be heard.
Extra Bits Special: Dan, James, Anna & Andy discuss Sausages, Eels and Unusual Swords in a bonus episode to raise money for the Care Workers Charity. Donate here:
Visit for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes.
- Sausages were invented by the Emperor Nero's cook. (Harkin)
- One of the main earthworm research bodies is the ERG - ironically they've been hit hard by Brexit. (Harkin)
- 70% of the world's online traffic passes through Loudoun County, Virginia. (Schreiber)
- Only two medieval eel houses still exist in Britain. (Murray)
- The headlights on NASCAR cars are stickers. (Schreiber)
- The world record for cycling backwards is 338 km in a day. (Harkin)
- You can make pi from hot dogs. (Ptaszynski)
- Both Andy Murrays had a pet hamster called whisky. (Murray)
- Alcatraz island was named after the Spanish word for pelicans. (Harkin)
- Seaweed can have bladders as big as human bladders. (Murray)
- The first cars needed to be repainted once a year. It took 40 days. (Harkin)
- At one point flummery was served disguised as other foods. (Ptaszynski)
- Nederland, Colorado celebrates a holiday called Frozen Dead Guy Days. (Schreiber)
- In Orkney "beer" means to whine. (Harkin)
- Grizzly bears in Alaska use combs. (Harkin)
- It is legal in the UK to eat dog. (Murray)
- Statistically sperm in UK sperm banks is least likely to be from a dark-skinned ginger Buddhist with black eyes. (Harkin)
- It's easy to tell what sex an Olm is because they have translucent skin. (Harkin)
- HP Sauce was originally sold door-to-door. (Harkin)
- There is a parody of the LeMans rally called the LeMons rally. (Harkin)
- People hang Poinsettia plants at Christmas because the Ecke family found a way to make it bloom in the winter and managed to get new colour TV shows to feature it. (Harkin)
- Before the invention of bumper stickers, drivers would tie placards to their car. (Harkin)
- Sean Connery's brother Neil starred as a spoof James Bond in an Italian parody film after being sacked as a plasterer. (Harkin)
- The only advertising Reddit has ever done was to spend $500 on stickers. (Schreiber)
- Bees immediately die after donating sperm. (Harkin)
- A man was nearly forced to pay £180,000 for a 1904 carousel after accidentally clicking the "bid" button on a website. (Murray)
- The world record for number of clowns in a car is 31 in a Citroen 2CV. (Murray)
- The 1958 Great Fire of Memphis, Tennessee was caused by a stockpile of 70,000 tonnes of corncobs owned by Quaker Oats. (Murray)
- D-Day was a success because Churchill was convinced by a loofah. (Murray)
- Draughts has been solved. (Murray)
- A researcher collected 1,300 earwigs to find the parasite that makes them drown themselves. (Ptaszynski)
- In 2012 every resident of a single town in Spain won the Christmas lottery. Except one. (Schreiber)
- A survey of 1,000 drinkers found that 6% of men and 1% of women would be willing to kill their pets in order to never have a hangover again. (Murray)
- The expression "hair of the dog" first appears in a Greek homeopathy text from 400 BC. (Ptaszynski)
- The Froggyland museum in Croatia is full of taxidermied frogs. (Harkin)
- Mayan leaders used sacred obsidian blades to cut their penises. (Murray)
- This is the fourteenth Working From Home episode due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
- This is the seventh non-numbered special after No Such Thing As Unbroadcastable Material, The One Show Special, No Such Thing As John Johnson, Extra Bits, No Such Thing As Wasted Material 2017, and No Such Thing As Snooker Avocado.
- It is the fifth compilation episode after Unbroadcastable Material, Extra Bits, Wasted Material 2017, Episode 249: No Such Thing As A Pint of Wine, and Episode 302: No Such Thing As A Hedgehog Circus.
- It was the first compilation to be released at a time other than New Year, as it was released to raise money for the Care Workers' Charity. As of Episode 328 it had raised £10,000.
- Murray makes reference to the diamond "cartel" from Episode 287: No Such Thing As Pets In Heaven.
- Churchill being convinced of pykrete while in a bath was discussed in TBA.
- Harkin hasn't seen Armageddon.
- Ptaszynski refers to Schreiber's headline fact from Episode 280: No Such Thing As Permanently Latvian Beer.
- Harkin mentions the Museum of Broken Relationships which was discussed in TBA, and briefly mentioned in No Such Thing As The News: Series 1, Episode 4.