No Such Thing As A Fish Wiki

Twitter Names refers to a running joke in the podcast No Such Thing As A Fish whereby one of the presenters will give a false twitter username based on a joke from the episode they have just finished recording.

List of Examples[]

Episode 105: No Such Thing As Pancakes for Perverts, following a story about a fast-food chain using a chicken to do its tweets, and tweeting the word "bum".

  • Murray: @ChickenBum

Episode 107: No Such Thing As Gorillas on the Beach, following Andy's claim that he would smuggle a snake across borders in a lolly mold.

  • Murray: @LollyMoldLover

Episode 147: No Such Thing As Burrito Party Boy, following a story about a man who is hired out to parties to be rolled up in a carpet and stepped on.

  • Murray: @BurritoPartyBoy

Episode 168: No Such Thing As Lord Cauldronhead, following a story about a Twitter user called SkipLicker running a poll about Tim Farron's trustworthiness.

  • Harkin: @SkipLicker

Episode 177: No Such Thing As A Barking Spy, following a comment about how "sausage" backwards sounds like "Jesus".

  • Murray: @SausageJesus

Episode 184: No Such Thing As Dinosaur Diaries, after James Harkin has finally changed his twitter username from @EggShaped to @JamesHarkin.

  • Murray: @EggShaped! I've finally got in there! This clown I've been following for years gave it up!

Episode 191: No Such Thing As A Cannibal Squirrel, after Ptaszynski reveals that the @-symbol is called an amphora.

  • Ptaszynski: You can get me on Podcast -Amphora-
  • Murray: Amphora- AndrewHunterM

Episode 192: No Such Thing As A Restaurant Menu For Hats, after Murray has told an unpleasant fact about frogs.

  • Schreiber: We can be found on our Twitter accounts, I'm on @Schreiberland. Andy... please just don't contact him this week.

Episode 198: No Such Thing As Cleopatra Movie Trivia, after Dan researches the movie Cleopatra by acccident, instead of the movie being discussed in the episode.

  • Schreiber: You can also follow me on my other account, @CleopatraMovieTrivia.

Episode 227: No Such Thing As A More Ambitious Crossover Event In History, after a discussion on the name George Spelvin, which is used when actors are embarassed about appearing in a given play.

  • Murray: @GeorgioSpelvino

Episode 233: No Such Thing As A Sexy Question Mark, after a discussion about indigenous Hawaiians having names for their genitals.

  • Schreiber: I'm on @Schreiberland... and my penis is on @...

Episode 238: No Such Thing As A Low Sofa, after Schreiber suggests that in a few decades' time the letters PTD will have replaced OMG.

  • Schreiber: ...or you can go to our brand-new twitter account, @PTDFacts!

Episode 242: No Such Thing As The Ancient Monty Python Dynasty, after a discussion about how Walter Raleigh naming Virginia after Elizabeth I's sexual history was a bit rude, leading to the idea of a town named "Lads-lads-lads-ville".

  • Schreiber: I'm on @LadsLadsLads.

Episode 261: No Such Thing As A Chocolate Train, after a piece about artificial insemination, Murray suggests that Ptaszynski is going to receive a backlash.

  • Murray: The authorities should email...
  • Ptaszynski: You can email!

Episode 281: No Such Thing As A Chatty Cow, after talk about how there is a black market trade in cow poo in the Netherlands.

  • Murray: @OldJohnThePooSmuggler

Episode 333: No Such Thing As Fingerprints On The Avocados, after mention of a wrestler whose fans chanted "Balls! Balls! Balls" when he hit his opponents.

  • Murray: It's @BallsBallsBalls
  • Schreiber: Wow, really committing to that.

Episode 341: No Such Thing As A May-I Sandwich, guest Rhys Darby joins in, despite actually having the twitter account @rhysiedarby.
