"Wasps" is a song by Emperor Yes, the B-side to their 2012 single Fishes.
It is the theme tune to No Such Thing As A Fish, and the spin-off show No Such Thing As The News. The music video features NSTAAF presenter Dan Schreiber.
Emperor Yes singer Ash Gardner has appeared in several episodes to perform the song live on stage.
In Episode 20: No Such Thing As A Dangerous Daffodil, it was revealed that Wasps is about the way Japanese honeybees protect their hives from attacking hornets.
In Episode 66: No Such Thing As A Robotic Margaret Atwood, it was revealed that the Japanese-language line at the beginning is taken from an automatically-filling bath. The line is what is played when the button is pushed to fill the bath. The line is: 自動でお風呂を沸かします。風呂の栓をしましたか?